Safe Streets Poll
This is a general question, but bears a little thought…of course it also depends if you actually walk anywhere!
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This is a general question, but bears a little thought…of course it also depends if you actually walk anywhere!
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I came across this post entitled, “Consent, Not Actually That Complicated”. The Woman who wrote this post (known as “Rockstar Dinosaur Pirate Princess”) makes a brilliant analogy to make it perhaps the most blatantly simple explanation ever spoken. Even if you’re as mad as a March Hare (or a Hatter), you should understand! If you’re…
Everyone has the inherent right to safety – their person, their family, their home… Why then is there such a question about the right to defend that safety? In North America especially, we seem to have two extreme views on defending oneself – either not at all, or to the extreme point of ridiculousness – both of…
Often as children we are either told to “speak when spoken to” or told to “speak up” (in some cases followed by “stop mumbling”). As adults, we are often told the same thing, though occasionally in a less polite fashion! When it comes to your safety & security, I must insistently say SPEAK UP! Speak…
All too often we hear news of someone who was abused as a child – but only reveals this trauma as an adult. For those who’ve never experienced this, it’s often difficult to understand why/how someone holds that in for so long. Trauma affects everyone differently, but one commonality when children are abused or assaulted…
Borrowing from a certain Credit Card ad everyone has heard…”What’s In Your Pocket”? You must unlearn what you have learned (Master Yoda) What do you carry with you that makes you feel safe? A weapon? A “defensive spray”? Keys? A Talisman or Charm? Your Mobile Phone, maybe? Are you aware that these are mostly useless…
The BULLY Project is centred around a film called “BULLY” – created to make us all more aware of the need to listen better, teach more effectively, be prepared – and to realize the extent of this problem; not just here in North America, but worldwide. Remember that bullying is no longer confined to a…